Tuesday, August 21, 2007

False prophets of the Arts

This started with the Dan Perjovschi video below. Saw it on YouTube. Made me really sad. Attempted a long comment. The silly YouTube comment system drew me off. So consider everything below the video to be the comment I would have contributed there if they only would have let me. Just a preview: this isn't art. Now see the movie, read the comment and then check back for more on arts and the inherent subliminal unhappiness in your life - with this kind of "art", no wonder.

Saw it? Here's what I would have stated (if the comment could have more than 500 characters and wouldn't have to be approved first...):

Yes... yet another mega-silly "artistic" trial. And another list of equally silly comments. "MoMA doesn't makemastakes" (wrong spelling kept)?! Really?!
What is art, actually? Let's not get into it right now... The above "effort" does a great job in demonstrating what art is not, though. Everything that is "different" automatically qualifies as art? Satire at all cost - is it inherent art? Think not. Look at the above "work". Look again. Closely. Does it fill your soul with emotions unknown in nature or intensity? Does it lift you and transport you into the "beyond"? Does it better you in some way? Maybe it does all of that to you. Honestly, please allow me to sincerely doubt that also.
To me (and I respect all other opinions, disagreeing as I may), THAT is definitely not art, nor is it even an artistic attempt. It is merely the strange (at most) doing of an average guy that read some stuff, saw some news bulletins, definitely ripped-off some age-old philosophical and political ideas and then drew some silly things. Being an Eastern European, which is very trendy nowadays, he just got lucky with this pathetic display of... generic lacking in all artistic areas. I saw almost everything that is drawn on that wall, in variations, in many pub toilets or back-streets. Not to mention the countless stuff I "painted" myself on a piece of paper while bored. So what? What is this? Philosophy for the mentally impaired? Ethics for the weary eyes of the drunk?
And you say MoMA is always right? C'mon... As almost everything these days, this guy's "success" is definitely political - the jaded Easterner that simply "knows" more and "sees" more clearly than the average Joe: let's get him in, throw a few bucks his way and put him on display.
Unfortunately, this guy also seems pretty self-sufficient, as he talks along this video, proving right all the cliches applying to most "modern" artists, including that disgusting dissimulation of some "journey" of artistic (and beyond) self-discovery (and of illuminating of other fellow humans in the process, why not) and that even more disgusting display of false modesty that can be found in too many of these "artists". In other words, he's all "out there" and "honest" and "modest" and... yeah, right. He's one thing, and one thing only: lucky.
These apply, as stated before, to MANY of those guys on that scene, performing similar utter stupidities that they have the nerve to call "art". "Modern art". Yes, it is "modern", as it happens now (damn it), but let's trim the "art", as this definitely isn't.

Of course, feel free to comment yourself, if so inclined.

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